AIPP Code of Professional Practice
The AIPP Code of Professional Practice is one of the key differentiators between members of the institute and non members.
All membership categories of the AIPP are bound by this code of practice.
General Matters
1. I agree to be bound by the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Australian Institute of Professional Photography (AIPP) and abide by the regulations and guidelines of the AIPP as set down from time to time.
2. I will abide by this Code of Professional Practice of the AIPP and recognise the authority of the AIPP Compliance Committee in all matters relating to the interpretation and enforcement of this code.
3. I shall at all times present myself; my photography and photographic services, in such manner as will uphold and dignify my professional status and the reputation of the Institute.
4. I will deal with all users of photography and the public with honesty and integrity. I shall exercise reasonable skill, care and diligence in the discharge of my duties, giving full consideration to the requirements of the client.
5. I will not use any marketing or competitive practice, which violates any Federal or State statute or any decision of a Federal or State court.
6. I shall ensure that advertisements and other public announcements with which my name is associated are not such as would, in the opinion of the Board, bring the Institute into disrepute. I shall ensure that all advertisements or public announcements mentioned comply with the guidelines issued from time to time by the Board.
7. I shall ensure that in conjunction with my name only such designatory letters or other descriptions to which I am entitled are used. (Only businesses in which all employees are members of the AIPP may use “Members of the AIPP” after the business name.
Market Related Matters
8. I shall, if engaged in the fields of wedding and/or portrait photography, allow the client three working days, after the placement of an order or the signing of a contract, during which time the client may change without penalty the extent of such order or contract.
9. I will not utilise any form of “high pressure‟ selling tactics to book clients or influence clients to place orders.
10. I will reveal all material facts; avoid concealment of information and refrain from the use of innuendoes in advertising and selling that might cause consumers to be misled, so that the truth about services of products may be fully understood. I will provide a complete and comprehensive written price list outlining my services and products prior to undertaking any photographic assignment.
11. I will fulfil all contractual obligations, offer reasonable warranty of products and services, and perform on such warranty without hesitation, where claims are justified. I will ensure that all wedding photography transactions, including the production of albums, does not take more than three months from the date of order, or a firm delivery date be agreed in writing at the contract stage.
12. I will advertise and sell the merits of my services and products honestly and undertake only assignments that my firm or I can reasonably expect to complete with professional competence.
13. I will refer the client to another suitably qualified and ethical photographer who can best fulfil the client’s needs if my organisation or I cannot undertake the work.
14. I will not commit any acts that will discredit the profession and I will refrain from degrading competitors.
15. I will not concurrently engage in any business or occupation, which impairs my rendering of professional image making services.
16. I shall not offer or accept a photograph for reproduction or accept a reproduction fee in respect of any photograph for which I do not own the copyright, without the express permission of the owner of the copyright.
17. I will refund all monies in cases of genuine client hardship and within the period of six months before the date of a booking. A small fee may be retained to cover administrative expenses.
18. I will ensure that any matter referring to copyright is underlined on contracts (or printed in bold type in any new contracts), and that reasonable usage rights for the studio be contractually established at the time of the original contract, and that these rights extend to an agreed level of promotion for the studio, including entry into professional competitions and exhibitions.
19. I acknowledge that every client entering into a contract with an AIPP member is entitled to receive a copy of the Code of Professional Practice